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Additional spare bolts and washers hardware for assembly of upper shells. Suitable for all models. Please note that Front Nut, Round Nut and P.nuts already include sets of bolts and washers.

20 cm × 12 cm × 1 cm

Additional Bolts & Washers (SET 4)

  • What can I return? 

    You may return most new, unopened items sold and fulfilled by Kangoo Club within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. During the holidays, items shipped by Kangoo Club between November 1st and December 31st can be returned until January 31st.


    When will I get my refund? 

    Usually in about 2-3 weeks. Most refunds are fully refunded in 3-5 days after we receive and process your return.


Contact Us781-630-1075 / 774-228-8985


Training Schedule:

Plymouth: Thu@8pm /Plymouth Fitness: 16 Aldrin Rd. 

Abington: Tue@7:30pm / Hometown Athletic Club: 191 Brockton Ave. 

Stoughton: Wed@7.30pm/ 24/7 Family Fitness: 333 Tosca Dr. 

Natick MA / Mon@7:30pm / Sat@11:30am / Encompass Fitness: 321 Speen st.

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